Mood Lights on Good Morning America on ABC nationwide news!
By 8651679
Sep 14, 2010
Our dear friend Felicia, the creator of "Mood Lights", got a surprise nationwide advertising gift when Jane Buckingham, was on ABC news "Good Morning America" and showed off the popular "Rainbow Mood Light" as part of her suggestions for gifts for students this year. She showed this photo and said "The lightbulbs are an inexpensive way to change the look of your room. It's like a modern-day lava lamp. They make the room look groovy without having to spend too much, and they're a great way to decorate without doing anything permanent."
Jane Buckingham, who is also the founder of Trendera, a trend forecasting company, says that one of the big trends this year is to personalize everything -- from shoes to lamp shades.
Click here to see this video of Mood Lights' pitch on Good Morning America. Be patient as the mood light promo is towards the end of the interview.Click here to find this and other Mood Lights for sale.