Models captured in Blissfull lasers lighting effects

See how these models are transformed by these lighting effects. The possibilities are endless with the model's skin becoming the screen for these projections. The women loved the way it tunes out any skin blemishes and turns them into an Avatar like being. We used the BlissLights Bliss 50, Starry Starry Night Sky and Cloudfield projectors listed on our web site at By using these semi transparent fabrics like pure white organzas, silks, mesh and gauzes the holographic light is perfectly captured bringing the laser starfield projection to life on the model's skin and fabrics. These Dancing Wings are perfect for these photographs and similar performance environments. Sometimes having the model in motion on these slow exposures makes for an even more exciting special effect! By putting the lighting behind the fabric you get a whole new type of "Shadow Dancing" lighting effect. We have mixed multiple projectors with different colored moving cloudfields and it makes a multi dimensional multi colored shadowing effect that is fantastic and never been used that we have seen. These three models live in Los Angeles and are also actresses, musicians, fire spinners, dance aerobics teachers and more and can be contacted for these talents by reaching Bruce at