The Bloom Series Episode 3 - “New Ways Of the Sacred" in Transformational Festivals

Lasers and is a proud sponsor of The Bloom Series and happy to announce that the latest edition is now available to watch for FREE online. Click here to watch this latest overview of the Transformational Festival movement. Mythos * Ritual * The Sacred Episode 3 explores the “New Ways Of the Sacred” that have emerged in Transformational Festivals, including how they re-instill a sense of MYTHOS for participants, or an awareness of our role in a greater multi-dimensional reality and story; fulfilling the functions of RITUAL once common for traditional societies and often missing from contemporary urban life; synthesizing into an authentically third millennium spiritual culture that is experiencing and honoring THE SACRED as a community without dogma, doctrine or charismatic gurus. There is a spiritual revival going on through the Transformational Festivals that are expanding across the world from the huge 68,000 member week long Burning Man to small local gatherings. In attending these events participants are discovering new ways of living and being in community. This fits perfectly in alignment with the Lasers and mission in spreading blissful experiences to the world. Lasers and was created to share the BlissLights Laser Starfield Projectors which were designed as an indirect outcome of the inventors creating laser experiences for our Burning Man theme camp and then designing this new patented projector for his daughter's nightlight. Now hundreds of thousands of projectors have been sold worldwide with participants watching their beautiful soothing display in dazzling displays indoors and outdoors.