Tribal Alliance Gathering at "VerdEnergia"

Tribal Alliance dance party w/Laser Starfield Projectors - by Aaron Cyrus Dorr
The VerdEnergia Farm in Parasicol, Costa Rica now has the Spright Laser Starfield Projector donated by to contribute to this marvelous Permaculture Farm. The Spright Laser Starfield Projector only uses 3 watts as another example of low energy strategies that make this farm so successful and low impact. Lasers and Lights is proud to support these organizations in bringing in a new age of reverence for all life and harmony on earth. This and many other permaculture farms are sprouting up throughout central america where land is low cost and there are few if any governmental restrictions on building standards. These and other Transformational Festival groups are also hosting festivals, gatherings, workshops and resident work share programs for individuals to share these experiences in tropical latin america as the foundation for a new cultural paradigm sustainable practices, healthy living, peace, love and celebrations of life on earth. After the Envision Festival 2014 in Uvita, Costa Rica, the VerdEnergia Farm was the perfect site for the Tribal Alliance Gathering which brought leaders, visionaries, yogis, mystics, together for ceremony, celebration and networking. This gathering was "A journey into the heart of community, sacred celebration, sustainability, rites of passage, empowerment and embodying the vision of a new earth.  Deepen your connection with self, earth and cosmos. Together under the canopy of lush Costa Rican forests, next to pristine rivers, beautiful nature, on an evolving eco-community perma-culture sanctuary, with loving community and with authentic support; we will journey to activate, remember and embody our gifts. Receive what you need to take your sacred path, your personal mission and the medicine within you to the next level." This event was a collaboration with the Tribal Convergence Network and Project Nuevo Mundo  Here are some videos about the VerdEnergia Farm: Here are more photos of the magnificent VerdEnergia Farm