Emerald Village is showered with BlissLights Laser Starfields from Lasers and Lights.com
How many of us have dreamed of living in a village of our best friends like a modern version of the tribes of old? The Emerald Village members have created their own Intentional Community and a member and real estate agent, Jonah Mesritz, is prepared to help other launch their own Intentional Communities too. On his web site, Activated Villages, Jonah gives in depth information including videos to show how this process can be accomplished by any group of committed friends. As a long time supporter of intentional communities, Lasers and Lights.com owner Bruce Beeley, has supplied Emerald Village with a Bliss 15 Laser Starfield Projector to contribute to their magical environment.
Here you see one of the many structures on Emerald Village's 9 acre intentional community including as many as 10 households in ownership.
Here the pool room takes on another worldly appearance with their new Bliss 15 Laser Starfield Projector filling the room with gently moving laser starbeams and the blue LED cloudfield effect.
Here is the agenda their Eco-Village Building workshop held in 2013. This is just one of the many regular gatherings they host to promote community building and personal growth.
Description- The Emerald Village Organization (EVO) is a chosen family of healers, educators, and creators building sacred space for heart centered community. EVO is committed to living harmoniously with nature, and supporting individual and collective growth through innovation, celebration, and service. EVO has successfully used the Bliss 15 Laser Starfield Projector for two events in the summer of 2013. One was for 150 flow arts people on a multiday workshop retreat. We used the light to decorate our common indoor area at night. This space added some nice light but where it really created magic was in our indoor pool. At the pool the light mounted high and pointing down created lasers that cut through the water to the pool floor at close range and then at a distance starting bouncing lasers onto the walls. The pool was heated to hot tub temps so the steam in there created a great affect on the lights. Many people in the pool remarked and the vibe the lights created. We add the heated pool to other events to give them a night time relaxing spa like quality, everyone loves hot water. Having the vibe inside the pool house also helps contain the energy in comparison to the 9 acre property with expansive old growth trees and 100's of open acres around us.