We teamed up with "Re-Inhabiting the Village" project and Lucidity Festival

We are a supporter of the "Re-Inhabiting the Village" Kickstarter project which represents the powerful alliance of thousands of participants in the Transformational Festival Culture who are aligned in building a network of resources to support sustainable communities embracing permaculture practices and the principles of the Tribal Convergence Network. Reinhabiting the Village landing page promo

You can "LIKE" the ReInhabiting the Village Facebook page to stay in touch with this exciting project. Lucidity inner muse

Here is a photo of the "Starfield Galaxy" laser art installation by Lasers and Lights.com from the Lucidity Festival in 2014 who are allied with the ReInhabiting the Village project in creating this new network of communities that are aligned with the Transformation Festival movement. Jamaica holding the space for us all

Here is a photo of Jamaica Stevens leading a gathering from the 2013 Awaken the Future - Tribal Convergence Network festival



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